Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Top Ten Movies to Watch This Halloween

There are some movie traditions I always follow each year. At the beginning of every summer I watch Jaws and end up too afraid to go into the water. Every Christmas my mother and I watch It's a Wonderful Life and Miracle on 34th Street consecutively. And every Halloween I watch, drum roll please.....wait, I can't give that away yet. Here are my top ten movies to watch on Halloween weekend. Not all of them are heart-stopping horror films but all capture the spirit of the holiday.

10. Rosemary's Baby

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Zombieland...the Sequel?

All you horror comedy aficionados out there - rejoice! Sony Pictures as well as the director Ruben Fleischer seem pretty serious about creating a sequel to their 2009 hit Zombieland. And this time it's in 3D (!!!). With the main anchor of the first movie, Jesse Eisenberg, saying he's "probably excited" (before the movie was confirmed) to return to the set of the second film we can imagine that all the main actors will be returning.IMDB has the release date for sometime in 2011 so until then enjoy this video: