Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Classic Cinematic Moment

One of my all time favorite moments in a horror movie, and honestly in all movies, came from the 1979 film Alien, directed by Ridley Scott and starring Sigourney Weaver.

Up until this moment, the movie has been fairly calm with suspension building steadily and then BAM! Alien out da chest.


Hey, my name is Carrie. This is my blog.

Everything you need to know about me can be seen in the following video:
Carrie's Life

Don't worry about wasting your time. It's a short video and it is a beautiful representation of my life goals, characteristics and morals.

Anyway, if you're picking up what I'm putting down then please return to this blog as I will be posting tons of cool videos, news, reviews and previews about upcoming, classic and so-bad-it's-good horror films. In particular, I will be watching ten horror films, one from each decade between 1920 and 2010, and doing a post on each one each week in order to see the evolution of the horror genre. Are they better now? Or have we ruined a once great genre? Have they always sucked? Or have they always been the greatest creation of cinema?

You decide.